SexXxSeeker86 Dating Profile

Locate your male sex partner in Joplin in Missouri
I am a 27 years old straight single man living in Joplin, Missouri

The Inexperienced Seeeking the Sex-perienced

Well, I don't really know what to say, this is the first time I've been on a site like this... so I guess I'll just go with the basics for right now. I am a nineteen year old amateur poet/song writer, music is my means of escape. I'm an honest dependable person who says what's on my mind when it's on my mind. A little random at times, I have a sarcastic/ironic sense of humor. Nothing makes me laugh harder than the irony in life. Other than that I can't really find anything else to say other than I am submissive, and a virgin, which I am eagerly hoping to not be for much longer. I really love the thought of the woman taking control and using me. Doing whatever she wants to me. If there is anything else you want to know don't be afriad to ask. *Note I am unwilling to pay all this money a month for this site, so if you could leave an e-mail address in your messages, that would be great, because I can't respond to messages sent through this site. Can't afford paying all that money. Thank you.

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